United Cash Loans will lend you money to serve whatever purpose you may need it for. Of course, you’ll need to pay it back at some point, thus it’s called a loan. In this story, a long time fan of fitness expert Jeff Halevy and inspired by his story to overcome the health struggles of his past, Dan Drewlard was determined to get to New York and attend Halevy Life Gym to meet and be trained by his role model Mr. Halevy.
What does United Cash Loans have to do with this? Well, to get into the personal training program you pay $7,215 for three personal training sessions per week for three months. Now you can probably see where this story is going. United Cash Loans was there to help Dan make his dreams a reality. Dan made the call and filled out the applications to receive what he needed. The rest is history! Getting the money you need with United Cash Loans is easy ABC 1-2-3, or in this case, Halevy 1-2-3.