3 Tips for Dealing With Debt Collectors

Millions of Americans are currently dealing with the incredibly difficult problem of debt. They are behind on credit card or mortgage payments. These men and women may not know what to do. Their self-imposed stress from these missed payments is compounded by the tactics of debt collectors. Debt collectors are committed to putting pressure on people and even garnishing their wages in order to bring back the money that they owe. Handling these people can be an essential part of getting a person’s financial life back on track.

Know your rights

One of the most important steps to dealing with debt collectors is to know the law and know the rights that a person has under the law. These rights include the right to have information taken off a person’s credit report in some circumstances and the right to limit calls and mailers. According to Pacific Collection Group, debt collectors cannot lie about their identity or tell a person information that is patently untrue. However, they can do whatever they want to if they are not called out for their various transgressions. People who do not know the law do not know what is illegal and may not know how to report illegal activity. As a result, individuals need to be aware of any law having to do with debt collections and any limitations that those laws place on a debt collector’s actions.

Have a plan

Another key part of escaping and dealing with debt collectors is to have a plan for tackling one’s debts. A payment plan will often help end the calls from these collectors. Such a plan indicates that a person is interested and willing to pay back their debts. Collectors may go on to other people who do not have such a plan. Also, a person who gets organized with their income and debts can amass the capital necessary to start paying some of those debts off.

Get help

Nobody has to confront a debt collector alone. There are a wide variety of professionals who can help people facing debt collections. Many credit counselors have years of experiencing helping people escape from their debts. They can help a person better understand their rights and formulate a plan. Credit counselors are familiar with the steps that are needed to end collections calls and get collections off of a person’s credit report. Pacific Collection Group notes that their help is often invaluable for people who are simply stuck and cannot see a way forward for their debts. A credit professional can offer a new perspective or a potential new source of income that a person had not considered before.


Dealing with debt collectors is not an easy process. It involves a number of massive payments as well as hours of research and consulting financial professionals. The process may take several years. Sometimes these people may have to sell assets or even declare bankruptcy. But being aware and planning can help a person find a way forward without having to deal with hundreds or even thousands of harassing phone calls

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